Thursday 12 May 2011


Potential Locations for our Trailer
1.       Group Member Blake’s back yard
2.       Royston Field (near Penge Sainsbury)
3.       Kelsey Park Sports College/Kelsey’s Woods
The locations of horror film are a very important part of it.  The locations we have short lasted have elements that we want to utilize for the trailer. Blake’s back yard, Royston Field and Kelsey Woods have a slight fell of absence as the scales of the locations are rather large. Therefore for our trailer we were looking to enhance the feel of absences by using edits, lighting, mise en scène, camera shots, and sounds such aspects like fast edits will help raise the tension, alongside lighting and camera shots can also help in building a tense and heart dropping atmosphere.
Image of the First Possible Location:

Image of the Second Possible Location:

Image of the Third Possible Location:

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