Thursday 12 May 2011

Props and Costume:

Prop and Costume List:
·         Three Props Knifes
·         Three Black Hooded jackets (for the villains)
·         Three Black jeans
·         Three pairs of black boots or trainers
·         Fake Blood
Why were theses Props and Costume needed?
Theses props are important part of the mise en scene of our trailer. We used props that intertwine with the genre of horror of our film trailer.  Knifes are most definitely a significant factor to horror films especially those of the slasher and supernatural sub-genre of horror.  Some of the most popular horror films such as ‘Halloween’, ‘Jason’ and ‘Scream’ revolve around bladed weapons such as knifes machetes and axes. Therefore we felt for our film it was important to ad the elements of bladed weapons. We also dressed the villains in all black urban wear. The villains costume resembles the costumes of Screams antagonist which is also a film which revolves of the slashing of innocent victims.  Therefore carry on the continuity of the horror genres mise en scene.  We also placed fake blood alongside the blades of the prop knife. The fake blood gives the suggestion that the antagonist’s have used the knifes to injure or even kill.
Images of The Actual Props Used For Our Trailer:
Prop Knifes Used In The Trailer
One Of The Hooded Jackets Used In The Trailer

One Pair of Black Jeans Used In The Trailer

One Pair of Black Trainers Used In The Trailer

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